2001: Public Use

The map below shows areas of public and recreational land use (represented by the dots), and rural use (represented by the diagonal lines) interspersed with blocks of residential housing. While Bowen’s land has been used for residences since settlers first began coming to the island in the late 1800’s, the focus on land for public…

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circa 1970: Various Land Uses

The major themes of land use change on Bowen Island are captured in this image of Snug Cove. The Collins Farm (still present today) provides a link to the early farming and pioneering days, while the old hotel site is marked. Residential and commmerical land use dominate the areas closest to the ferry, and Crippen…

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circa 1970: Tunstall Bay Subdivision

Although Bluewater was developed in the 1950’s, Tunstall Bay wasn’t subdivided until 1969, when Dee Cee Projects planned residential, condos and commercial lots for the area. Like other neighborhoods on Bowen, the plan was for community amenities (tennis courts, a pool etc.) to be for members only. In the aerial view below, the roads leading…

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circa 1960: Major Transitions

Four categories of land use are shown here: residential, commercial, industrial and rural. This map highlights the transition from resource extraction/industrial land use that dominated Bowen’s early history to a largely residential/rural island with developed blocks of neighborhoods: Hood Point, Miller’s Landing/Scarbourough/Eaglecliff/Deep Bay/Snug Cove, Mt. Gardner Park, and Bowen Bay/Tunstall Bay/Bluewater, and Cowan’s Point. Here,…

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1962: End of the Resort Era

The year 1962 saw a major transition in land use, when the Union Steamship Company put their Snug Point subdivision on the market, thus drawing to a close the booming resort industry. The 17 acres between Snug Cove and Deep Bay, where the dance pavilion, bandstand, tearoom and picnic ground were was sectioned into private…

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1950s & 1960s: USSC Land Monopoly

These maps show the extent to which the Union Steamship Company monopolized land on Bowen Island, or at least the side of the island most popular as a tourist destination. 1951: Map of Bowen Island showing Bowen Island Waterworks Ltd, Bowen Estates and Union Steamship Company holdings. 1958: Union Steamships Ltd, showing boundaries.

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1950s & 1960s: USSC Resort Monopoly

The resort business was still going strong at the end of the 1940’s, with Evergreen Park Resort as the destination. However, the Union Steamship Company began to restrict access to the hotel and grounds, picnic tables were taken from the picnic grounds, and the dance hall was closed. In 1957, Evergreen Resort closed, although 180…

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1950s: Provincial or Regional Parks

The view of the south end of Bowen Island shows Apodaca Park, deeded to the provinical government by JS Matthews in 1954. The 1950’s mark the start of Bowen Island’s land being considered for provincial and regional parks. 1952: South End of Bowen Island. North-east Bowen Island.

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circa 1950: The Effects of Logging

Forestry has been a relatively continuous use of the land since Bowen Island was first ‘discovered’ by settlers of European descent. Here, the effects on the landscape of logging can clearly be seen. Killarney and Grafton Lakes can be seen, as well as a farm in the bottom right-hand corner of the image. c. 1950:…

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circa 1950: Neighbourhoods Emerge

The New Wesminster map of Bowen’s legend shows logging roads, as well as power and telephone lines. Distinct neighborhoods of denser lots and residences can be seen at Cowan’s Point, Hood point, Mt. Gardner Park, and mid-island, although notice that Bluewater is in the early stages of subdivision, while Tunstall Bay has not yet been…

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